NUFORC UFO Sighting 177931

Occurred: 2023-08-27 03:30 Local
Reported: 2023-08-31 08:53 Pacific
Duration: Between 7 and 15 second
No of observers: 1

Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Location details: Latigo blvd between Elbert Rd and Eastonville road to the north

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Left a trail

On the weekends I tend to bike at night between, I start my ride around midnight. Between 0230 and 0400, I was startled by a very bright green fireball, at first, I assumed it was a flair from a military aircraft. But upon wider observation of the sky, no aircraft within the vicinity. Also, the intensity and duration of the light was not consistent with an aircraft flare or firework. I could not hear it. I was wearing headphones. My assumption at the time was that it was some kind of meteor burning up in the atmosphere with some kind of core when heated, produce a bright green light. Shooting star activity that night was on the higher side as well. The only reason I’m reporting this is because I read on the news that several people have said that they spot similar event. So hopefully my information helps to give some clarification. The event was spectacular.

Posted 2023-09-10

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