NUFORC UFO Sighting 177867
Occurred: 2023-08-23 21:15 LocalReported: 2023-08-25 18:24 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Cochise, AZ, USA
Location details: Apache Power Station on 191, just near the solar array over the highway.
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object
Slowly rotating disc-shaped object witnessed hovering at Apache Power Station 8/23/23 @ approx. 9:15 PM.
Having recently seen the related Congressional hearings on unexplained aerial phenomena, I said a heartfelt prayer, asking to never witness such a thing. Fifteen minutes later I was approaching the Apache Power Plant on Highway 191 when suddenly 4 or 5 lights appeared just in front of, and above my car. These lights looked the size of the balls they attach to the power lines so I thought they may light up at night. But they were too close together and they do not light up. So, I then thought it could be a kite with flashlights. It was dark and any craft was unseen through the glare, but as one light would disappear on one side, another would appear on the other. The lights seemed to be equatorial along the edge of a very slowly rotating disc, where it took approximately 15 seconds for all 4 or five lights to reach the backside. After about 180 decree rotation the lights disappeared for 10 seconds then reappeared, continuing as before.
I was wondering if my heartfelt prayer has anything to do with this sighting.
The two cars in front of me may have witnessed this, as well.
The next day I tried to notify the power plant and the Sheriff's department but was not taken seriously by either. The fact that this occurred at a power plant led me to report to this agency.
My best "guess" is that the craft may have been between 15 - 30 ft in diameter, 50 - 100 yards above the ground, just to the left of the hiway 191 that bisects the plant, more toward the solar array than the cooling towers, traveling South.
Posted 2023-09-10
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