NUFORC UFO Sighting 177558

Occurred: 2023-08-12 22:10 Local
Reported: 2023-08-13 07:04 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Los Banos, CA, USA
Location details: Highway 152

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Landed

We were driving on Highway 152 near Los Banos at approximately 10 pm and saw a large triangular object that had 4 large lights.

We were driving at approximately 10pm on Highway 152 near Los Banos and saw a large triangular object with 4 bright lights and something attached to it that looked like a tail with lights. It was hovering in the sky along the side of highway 152 (not too high and we heard no sound) then we saw it go to the ground for several seconds then go back up to the sky very quickly and hovered not real high in the sky. The 4 lights were very bright and formed a triangular shape. Then the object began moving towards the highway and crossed right above us slowly and we heard absolutely no sound. It crossed over us (and other cars) and then quickly speed off in the distance—no sound, and moved very quickly. Myself, my Husband and two teenagers were driving home from a soccer event—it was something we’ve never seen before and we all said “is that a ufo?” I believe it was!!! It was scary and also fascinating we couldn’t take our eyes off it.

Posted 2023-09-10

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