NUFORC UFO Sighting 177541

Occurred: 2023-08-11 18:40 Local
Reported: 2023-08-13 17:44 Pacific
Duration: 4-5 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: NW Austin, TX, USA
Location details: NW Austin

Shape: Cylinder

On AA Flt 4244 ATX-ABQ, saw cylindrical object flying past my plane same level going opposite direction fast! No tail fin, wings.

I boarded American Airlines flight# 4244 from Austin to Albuquerque. Flight left late. We took off around 5:16pm.

I was seated on the outside seat looking out the next seat window in front of me admiring and studying the interplay of light and dark on the cloud formations below us. I am a amateur painter and was studying the clouds and how to paint them. When suddenly within my field of view, I was seated on the starboard side of the my plane, Seat 21D. I saw this large white cylindrical object at our same level. It was flying in the opposite direction traveling extremely fast. I saw NO markings, windows, cockpit windows. I saw no tail fin, wings nor engines. No propulsion trail nor engine on rear like a rocket. Yet it was shaped like a rocket but flying perfectly horizontal and in the same plane as my flight. Hard to guess how far away it was. But it was close. Perhaps a ½ mile or less. (?)

As it past from one window then to my seat window, I immediately popped the slide shade up to see the object speedily passing before my eyes. The sighting was no more than 3-5 sec. But, I saw the object. It was as if a plane was flying with out its wings and tail fin and no markings or windows were seen. The shape was cylindrical. Is the best I can describe.

I’ve uploaded a pic of the clouds. The Object was going too fast for me to react by taking a photo.

It looked at my watch it was 6:41pm when I saw the object.

I turned around to see if other passengers were looking out their respective windows and sadly no one in my vicinity witnessed what I saw.

When we landed in Albuquerque. I asked the pilot if he witnessed seeing a cylindrical object flying in the opposite direction on our starboard side. He said No, he saw nothing.

Posted 2023-09-10

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