NUFORC UFO Sighting 177496
Occurred: 1970-02-15 17:34 LocalReported: 2023-08-10 15:02 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes maybe 3
No of observers: 2
Location: Mendoza, NY, USA
Location details: My father's restaurant, in the front yard of the restaurant during off business hours on a Sunday.
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Made a sound, Possible abduction
Craft seen hovering above myself and my mother, orange emitting cold light. Maybe 20 feet above us. No sound.
My mother and I were enjoying a refreshment on a Sunday afternoon, we were sitting outside closed hours in my father's restaurant. Suddenly there was an orange light that completely covered everything, We looked up and there was an object that I could not determine the exact size or shape being that my view was partially obscured by an awning shade that stretched along the yard. I could see the object through the exposed sides and through the ropes that kept the awning taunt in place along the wall, It was orange like amber in a dead fireplace, with random little flashes of what I could describe as sparkles; and I could see through the glow that there were metallic components. It emitted no sound or heat and it just slowly moved in a gyrating manner, but the movement was too subtle for me not to see its structure which seemed to be metallic of some sort. My mother and I then looked at each other and without saying a word we ran to the second floor of the restaurant, where there were tables on the roof for guests to dine outside and below the stars at night. It took us maybe 20 seconds to run to the rooftop and the object had vanished in a blink of an eye, There were no clouds in sight and all we could see all around was blue skies. Many years later I spoke to my mother as an adult and I was able to confirm that I did not dream this because my mother had complete recollection of the same incident as I remembered. There were other incidents I experienced throughout my childhood all the way to 2012 when I saw a UFO with my entire family and ex-husband resembling the orange light over Long Island. I've also experienced missing time and weird wounds behind my left arm that didn't bleed or hurt but were deep enough to look as if a hole puncher had been used to remove a deep sample of my skin. Other unexplained things have occurred during the years.
Posted 2023-09-10
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