NUFORC UFO Sighting 177336
Occurred: 2014-04-12 20:04 LocalReported: 2023-08-06 22:48 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Oahu, HI, USA
Location details: Waimanalo Beach
Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object
Triangle craft roughly 150-180 feet across
My wife and I watched a single white light come towards us over the water as we sat on the beach. Was moving slowly which we both commented on. It was coming straight towards us and as it got closer we noticed it was maybe 100 feet in the air, and made no sound, which we both commented on. Just a single white light at the nose of this craft. It crawled slowly right overtop of us and we watched it go over us with absolutely no sounds whatsoever, which was the strangest thing. It appeared to be dark grey, no markings, and no lights except the nose light. It was triangular but slightly convex at the trailing end. We estimated it to be around 150-180 feet wide but it might have been slightly more. It wasn’t very high above us and we could see detail as it crawled overtop of us because it was a moonlit night and quite close. It CRAWLED slowly over us, which I’ve never seen an airplane do. There was no landing gear apparent and none out (you’d assume if it was an airplane it would both make sound and have landing gear out at this height). There is a military base not far from this location but it didn’t turn in the direction of the base or bank towards it, it flew into the mountain range behind us and we lose sight of it in the darkness. Both of us were struck by the fact it made absolutely NO sound whatsoever. That was the creepiest thing. We watched this come across the water to us for a good 10 minutes before it crawled right over top of us and receded past us. Weirdest thing ever.
Posted 2023-09-10
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