NUFORC UFO Sighting 177308
Occurred: 2021-06-22 00:36 LocalReported: 2023-08-03 21:32 Pacific
Duration: 1 to 2 seconds
No of observers: 9
Location: Buffalo, NY, USA
Location details: In the woods just outside the city
Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Missing Time
The large metallic object sat just above the trees
When I was about 13 me and my dad went on a vacation to buffalo new York in a cabin resemblant house that we shared with a few other people he was well aquainted with. On the last night prior to leaving the man who organized the trip called everyone to the front of the house for a ceremony they gathered in a circle and joined hands and he lead us into a chant "ka ra" over and over I frankly didn't believe it and thought it was bull crap but joined in anyways. About a couple minutes in we stopped and one man pointed at the tree line and said "look!" I saw it for what felt like a second but there it was motionless, soundless it had no doors windows or lights and the exterior was so shiny and metallic you could see a couple lights left on in the house refecting off of it. But in seconds it shot off into the sky at supernatural speeds leaving no sound or even breeze and you could see it shrinking as it got further and further. Also the next day everyone there reported waking up in a cold sweat. Description: the size of about two average sized cars placed side by side. The front was large and got smaller towards the back until it reaches a sharp point. It had a fin going across the middle of the craft. It resembled the shape of a water/tear drop
Posted 2023-09-10
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