NUFORC UFO Sighting 177277

Occurred: 1995-06-22 02:30 Local
Reported: 2023-07-28 17:47 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Worksop, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

Blocky looking flying saucer.

In late June 1995 around 2.30am myself and my friend were walking to a 24hr garage. We cut through a local church ground. I needed to urinate and the garage was about 2 mile away so I stopped there in the dark grounds to do so. As I was I looked up and saw a saucer shaped craft slowly moving towards the east. This was during a very happy time of my life and as soon as I saw that this was a flying saucer I looked away because I did not want to process what I was seeing. After I had finished urinating my friend decided he should too considering the walk on a busy road in front of us. We continued to talk as he was and mid conversation he said 'What the f**k is that?' As he pointed to the saucer it completely stopped moving and remained stationary in the air making no noise. I would say it was a few hundred feet in the air and about five hundred feet away. It was a crude rectangular saucer shaped object. It had hard squared edges. - a main body with a smaller rectangular top and bottom. There was a large central main white light. And a smaller side light that kept constantly flashing. It was from this that the shape of the main body could be seen. The main body was either a white or cream colour. In the middle of this craft was a strip of alternating blue and red lights that seemed to pulse on and off in rhythm. I said to my friend 'So we are in no doubt that is saucer shaped isn't it?' I saw a saucer exactly like this one in the same town 11yrs later which I will also report on this site.

Posted 2023-09-10

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