NUFORC UFO Sighting 177123
Occurred: 2023-07-09 05:00 LocalReported: 2023-07-21 11:13 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1 - Aviation Expert
Location: Oxnard, CA, USA
Location details: BACKYARD FROM 438 GRANDE ST.
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams, Aircraft nearby
Saw an airliner pass south going to LAX from SBA VORTAC. Then saw another object lower going NE towards SBA VORTAC, which is normal.
Object seen was going north towards SBA VORTAC at a jet airliner speed which is the normal route for airliners out of LAX going north. The object was lower than an airliner as one just passed going to LAX at a higher altitude. The object stopped west of me and a bright light from the craft was directed towards the ground. 10 seconds later, the light went out and the object shot to the SE at a high rate of speed. It covered a quadrant from west of me to the southeast in two seconds. The object covered the distance in about two seconds. The object stopped and again a bright light emerged from the craft directed to the ground. 10 seconds later the light went out and the object shot to the SE out of my view. The next object was seen today at 4:55 AM from my backyard on 21 July. Again, while watching an airliner going SE towards LAX and SE of me, I saw what looked like a double sphere - bright green in front and dark. It also looked as if it might have had windows, then light green in the back. The object was in no hurry, but I observed it for 3-4 seconds. Approximately, its height was about 5-6 thousand feet
Posted 2023-09-10
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