NUFORC UFO Sighting 175539
Occurred: 2023-04-28 20:56 LocalReported: 2023-04-27 21:34 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Saugerties (Malden), NY, USA
Location details: Off of West Camp Rd
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Missing Time
I took off when the craft looked like it was turning around!
My friend Ian and I were taking my daughter Karlie for a ride so she can nap. I was driving and I saw something in the sky with many lights on it. It was too big to be a plane and it wasn't making any sound. It was completely quiet! I decided to park the car and use my iPhone 12 to try to get a picture of it. We were almost at someone's house on the corner when I took the picture you are seeing now. In that past I've seen things but never really got any solid evidence. I took 3 pics in total but I got only one good one. The first one is the one I'm sending you now. The second one idk what it took a pic of and the third photo it was hidden behind the trees. The strange thing is after taking the photo, it was different than what we saw with our naked eyes. As we got closer to the craft or it got closer to us, I decided it was time to leave. There was a light coming off it like a searchlight or a beam to take us captive. I think there was a lapse in time of 30 mins that went by that we can't explain. This craft was HUGE maybe big enough to be an aircraft carrier! It had red and white lights. It definitely changed shape or appeared different in the photo than the craft we saw with our eyes. Ian and I both agree that we couldn't see what it really looked like with our naked eyes, but the phone captured it the way it is, saucer or disk-shaped!

Posted 2023-05-19
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