NUFORC UFO Sighting 175301

Occurred: 2023-04-16 21:00 Local
Reported: 2023-04-17 23:10 Pacific
Duration: 3-5 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Castle Rock, WA, USA

Shape: Light

Orange fleet of lights in the sky.

I was driving from Silverlake, WA towards Castle Rock, WA on Sunday night when to the right of me I saw what looked like a fleet of orange colored lights. At first I was like, what is that… thinking that they might have put up cell towers or something to warn planes of a hillside, but then I realize that they were actually something that was up in the air. Definitely NOT planes, or helicopters. Possible drones of some kind, but they all seemed to move kinda like burning embers that would be floating in the sky or fireflies, but they were at least the size of planes.

As soon as I got into Castle Rock I immediately pulled over and watched them cross over me. It looked like they were coming from the Southwest of me over towards the Columbia River heading Northeast.

I had been listening to a podcast and had my phone hooked to Bluetooth, and when I opened my camera to try and catch some footage of them I couldn’t find the video button (I swear it was like the icon wasn’t even on my phone.) I then disconnected from Bluetooth thinking that might be why the video wasn’t working, I was fumbling and full of adrenaline so I rang my mother who was in Silverlake and told her to run outside to see if she could see them too. She couldn’t see anything from there yard where she was at because the property to the north of them is a big hill.

I then returned to my camera to try and get footage, and the video button was ironically there that time, but the majority of the fleet had already disappeared into the clouds and there were only a few stragglers left in the sky. The footage I have doesn’t even come close to showing what I actually saw. I have seen many UFO sightings in my life, but never crafts of this kind.

I don’t remember hearing them, but on the videos there are some weird sounds that the mic picked up.

I didn’t feel at all threatened by their presence, but definitely was in awe and super charged up.

Posted 2023-05-19

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