NUFORC UFO Sighting 175179
Occurred: 2023-03-31 19:59 LocalReported: 2023-03-31 17:29 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Location details: Residential Neighborhood
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Made a sound
Looked like a rocket launch coming up from behind a house, traveled above and past us out of sight.
We often see rocket launches from NASA at Wallops Island, VA about 100 miles south of us. This looked like a rocket launch as it rose above houses on our street, then appears to level off and travel above us, however it came up from the North, not the south where the NASA station is. There was quite a bit of cloud cover so it was surprising that we could see it so clearly - it seemed to be very high up, but must have been below the cloud line because the flames were not hazy, as if viewed behind clouds. It appeared to be some kind of craft, the rear looked like flames or a fireball was coming out. For something so bright I expected it to be loud, but it sounded like a very distant plane, more of a rumbling than whining sound. after 3 min the fireball disappeared as if it flew above the clouds.
Posted 2023-04-09
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