NUFORC UFO Sighting 174407

Occurred: 2023-02-09 10:30 Local
Reported: 2023-02-10 18:54 Pacific
Duration: 25 seconds
No of observers: 0

Location: Creede, CO, USA
Location details: Traveling west on Hwy 149 @ mile marker 34.

Shape: Sphere

Object moving at an oblique angle from my left to right .Object never changed shape. Object traveled behind a cloud. No line of sight.

@ 1030am ,Feb.09,2023. Noticed a metallic object that appeared high in my line of sight. Nearly at the top of my windshield and driver's window. Driving a 2016 Chevrolet Colorado pick up truck. Object appeared to be traveling at an oblique angle from the west.Southwest of Bristol Head tower face to south east towards Pagosa Springs. I was at mile marker 34 traveling west towards Creede. The object appeared to have a frontal appearance of a jet liner. Even though it was traveling left to right. When I pulled over, I was using a Vortex Solo monocular. 8x36 power. The object was now to my right and in front of me. Object never displayed length. No wings,no rudder, and , no tail section. I was only able to watch for a few seconds before the object went behind a single cotton ball shaped cloud. No other clouds in the area. Just this one. I thought I would observe this object as it exited the cloud. Object never showed itself. Up or down or left or right. After a minute or so, the cloud broke up and completely disappeared. Still no object . The whole time,the object never made a sound. Even when it was in front of me. Object left no contrails. Object was high,but,not that high.I am at @ 9300 feet elevation. Creede is @12 miles east of this location.

Posted 2023-03-06

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