NUFORC UFO Sighting 17265
Occurred: 2000-10-09 23:35 LocalReported: 2001-04-15 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 30 to 40 sec.
No of observers: 2
Location: Minnetonka, MN, USA
Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
I have a mini web site attached with my signature that is 3 pages, containing 30 images of UFO"s videtaped by myself, with a sony 8m/m
As you'll see if my mini web site with 30 images I froze onto my webtv via my VCR makes it. The images each speak for themselves, except for the last image. It shows something quite different on "Night Shot" IR light, that spans IR light for about 10 feet, that is of course invisable to the human eye. Check out the last IR image because it says alot, and this image preceeded a beautiful low flying light that unknown to me at the time and just noticed was captured on my 8m/m Sony camcorder. I have not yet put this sequence of video freeze images on my tiny site. Of course, If there was a particular picture that you were curious about, ie: if it was faked or hoaxed etc. and I totally understand, and have no problem with loaning out some of the 8m/m original film cassettes if you were interested to study.I have so much crazy stuff in my video archive. Thankyou in advance for checking it out.
We have visited the site and viewed the photos posted there. The objects appear to be anomalous and unidentifiable to us. However, we do not have any specific reason to believe that they definitely are bona fide UFO's. One photo has the appearance of being that of a white dove or pigeon with its wings extended and tail spread, as if it could be landing, but that is only an impression. We are not aware of other dramatic reports from this area for this date. PD
Posted 2001-04-28
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