NUFORC UFO Sighting 16994
Occurred: 2001-03-26 07:20 LocalReported: 2001-03-26 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 70 min +
No of observers: 0
Location: Cochabamba (Bolivia), , Bolivia
Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Emitted other objects
UFO sighting in Cochabamba Bolivia, local TV stations have closeups--
Begining 7:20am local time (11:20 UTM) up to the present moment, we have various local TVs taping a UFO with a saucer shape. I am an astronomer and have a ((deleted)) Engineering as well as post graduate studies in ((technical field--deleted)). The object is silver with a sphere and a disk, as is seen very much the same way as Saturn is in telescopes, with the exception that it moves back and forth in the sky as and crossed over 120 degrees in less than an hour. Video in U-matic, VHS can be provided. Unfortunately there is no info regarding the inclination of different video sources to extrapolate distance. Though this can easily be calculated based on wide angle shots that cover the horizon and local mountains.
Posted 2001-04-01
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