NUFORC UFO Sighting 168726
Occurred: 2022-06-18 18:00 LocalReported: 2022-06-18 18:40 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Ottawa, IL, USA
Location details: I-80 w
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Missing Time
I saw three very bright dots in the sky in the shape of a triangle hovering. A 4th dot appeared and they started rotating into a circle
I was driving on i-80 east with a co-worker nearing Ottawa IL, when I saw three bright white dots in the sky. They were in a formation of a perfect triangle. At first I thought it might br planes but they remained apparently motionless as we kept driving.
I asked my coworker what he thought they were and he had noticed them before I pointed them out. He couldn't give any guesses and tried to take a picture but his phone camera is not very good.
After driving and watching for a few minutes, we noticed a 4th bright white light appear, the triangle broke patern into more of a circle or oval then started rotating. This was the first I seen any of the dots move at all.
This whole time I wasn't paying attention to exit signs and almost missed my exit at Ottawa. I got over and got off but when I looked back up they were gone. I wish I wasn't driving because my phone may have been able to capture something of it.
I believe cars around us saw it as well, because when I looked at my speedometer before I got off the highway we were all going 15 under the speed limit.
The weirdest part and I wasn't going to mention at first was I thought we were another 25 minutes away from Ottawa and when I looked up we were almost passed it, time went by super fast. And a kind of dark vision in my eyes from staring at those lights, kind of like getting a direct glimpse of the sun makes the background darker.
Posted 2022-06-22
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