NUFORC UFO Sighting 167295

Occurred: 2022-03-28 20:05 Local
Reported: 2022-03-29 11:15 Pacific
Duration: 8 Minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Winchester, KY, USA
Location details: In the sky above Clark County, KY. Close to Fox's General Store.

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Stationary craft in the sky, red, green, clear light.

My husband, myself and our two children were on our way home from dinner out and there was a stationary craft, that made no noise, in the sky over Fox's General store. It had three lights that were blinking off and on. Red, green and clear. As we watched this craft it was like it noticed us or something? This was at 8pm. We watched it turn slightly and begin to follow us. It followed us for about 2 miles. We tried to watch it but as we rounded a curve in the Rd. It disappeared? We could not tell the exact shape, as it was very dark outside.

Posted 2022-04-22

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