NUFORC UFO Sighting 165913

Occurred: 2021-12-13 20:30 Local
Reported: 2021-12-20 01:01 Pacific
Duration: 20 Minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Port Angeles, WA, USA
Location details: Sound only, loud, perhaps a helacopter, very large and loud perhaps more than one. no lights


I did not see anything, nor coiuld I tell which direction was coming from.

Dec.13th at 8:30 PM. I heard a sound which I thought was over our house. It was like a helicopter, but larger than any which checks the power lines or the Coast Guard helicopter. My husband was bothering with the television which wasn't working when I opened the living room door which opens to the outdoors. I said,'Can you hear this?" He wasn't interested. A couple days later, my neighbor and I were talking. He noticed it and said he thought that there were more than one. He had been in his wife's shop at the time. I remember hearing something like propellor strokes, but I thought I heard a grinding sound which was loud. I couldn't see anything, no lights whatsoever, I also couldn't detect which direction, except when it must have been directly over head, because it was so loud.
I have another detail attaching to case #119767. I reported that the tree line was perpendicular to the tree line that the UFO followed by our place. I

Posted 2022-03-04

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