NUFORC UFO Sighting 163112

Occurred: 1986-08-21 10:15 Local
Reported: 2021-05-12 13:04 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Georgetown, IN, USA

Shape: Other

Strange Object Out of Nowhere

This happened when I was 13. On Thursday night I would take the garbage out. Some nights I would just stand around afterwards for a few minutes and look at the stars. This night I was standing in my driveway when suddenly a craft appeared out of nowhere. It was no more than 125 feet from me. It hovered between 75-100 feet and lit up the ground beneath it very brightly. I was so scared I ran over to my neighbors and hid under a tree. The craft made a humming noise as it just hovered. I could feel this energy in the air from it. After about a minute or so the lights dimmed drastically and the craft slowly moved away. It flew directly over my house and I got a great look at it. It was round, with a concave bottom. There were several lights underneath. It was about 40 feet tall, with a line at the halfway point. The top back of the craft was flat, and had three small lights, red, blue, and green. It made barely any noise as it moved away. I saw no doors, windows! , propulsion system, or obvious landing gear on the craft. I believe it was a medium shade of brown but at night it was hard to tell. The craft moved in a southeast direction as it left.

Posted 2021-05-20

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