NUFORC UFO Sighting 162929
Occurred: 2021-05-02 22:50 LocalReported: 2021-05-02 21:48 Pacific
Duration: 00:00:10
No of observers: 1
Location: Clearwater Beach, FL, USA
Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Two bright white object moving in high rate of speed and synchronized movements.
At approximately 22:50, on the evening of Sunday, the 2nd of May, 2021, I witnessed 2, small but very bright lights traveling at a very high rate of speed traveling in a westerly direction coming from over land and heading out over the Gulf of Mexico. At first I thought I was witnessing two meteors as they were traveling much faster than any aircraft or other man made object could.
I tracked them for approximately 20 seconds in a straight line. Both objects were traveling side by side, in the exact same direction and speed. At that time, both objects made four very distinct course corrections. Both objects made the same zig zag, “z” shaped movements. First to the right, back to the left, back to the right and finally left continuing westerly in a straight line and at a burst rate of speed before disappearing.
The speed, distance apart and the movements were identical and did not very from the each other. Due to the precision, speed of the movements and rate of acceleration, I am confident these were a form of mechanical objects that were neither a man made or natural objects.
Posted 2021-05-20
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