NUFORC UFO Sighting 162880

Occurred: 1993-09-23 00:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2021-04-28 17:45 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Hudson, WI, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Object was playing with or trying to elude the jets that were chasing it.

At around 12:30 AM me and two others were having a camp fire up on the bluff overlooking the St Croix River when we noticed something coming up the river vally.

The object had multiple lights on it and wasn't makeing any noise.

It was just kind of glideing along and when it passed in front of us it was no more than 200 feet out from the bluff but right at our level.

To me it looked kind of acorn shaped and you could see little windows on the side facing us with what appeared to have passengers cause you could see the shape of there heads through the windows or ports.

After it drifted past it went another quarter mile or so and took off almost verticle and within 15 to 20 seconds there were jets chasing it at tree top level when they roared over us.

I reported this incident back in the 90's on another reporting sight and was able to track by the other's in the USA that had reported it.

From what I recall it was firt spotted around New England then it tracked down the coast as far as Florida and it then shot back up from there to Wisconsin where it was then sighted in Appleton before it came our way.

At the same time we were watching it someone in Afton Minnesota was watching because they also reported on that site.

The Oshkosh report wasn't on there but I was glad to see it on this site and of course that was due to the late reporting of the incident.

All I can say is that was the coolest thing ever actually seeing one right there in front of me.

Another thing I almost forgot to ad is it was about the size of a Hot Air Balloon

Posted 2021-05-20

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