NUFORC UFO Sighting 16174
Occurred: 1989-09-15 21:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2001-02-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Austin, TX, USA
Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Up close sighting of UFO then confirmed by helicopter pursuit in Austin, Texas.
This is the first time I've officially reported my sighting. I'm doing this because someone official must know. In the later part of 1989, at approximately 9 p.m., while driving home from dinner at my mother's house, I noticed bright lights moving very slowly toward my right, above the tree line. I've always been intrigued by U.F.O's and feel I'm quite knowledgeable on the subject. I had always thought that if I had ever saw one,I would not be afraid, but rather I would want to approach it. Was I ever wrong. I stopped to observe a round shaped disk coming my way above the trees to my right while still in my truck. Slowly it approached. Surrounded by very, very bright lights, not blinking lights but solidly lit. At this time, the object is right by me so I get out of my truck, leave the door open, walk around the door to the driver's side fender and look at the craft. When I realized there was no noise coming from it, that's when I knew what it was. The biggest rush of fear went through me like I never knew. The craft was only about 50 yards from me. I jumped in my truck, drove forward 200 yards, made a left, stopped and watched it slowly move away for about five minutes until I couldn't see it anymore. My house was just around the corner. I went in and woke up my roomate, ((name deleted)). He went to bed way early because he had to go to work at 4:00 a.m. I told him what I had seen. He said I was crazy. We went out front in the yard and I started telling him the story. Just a few minutes into my story, as I was pointing in the direction of the sighting, we heard a noise from behind. We turn and look. About 3 or 4 black helicopters buzz the house and fly in the direction I'm pointing. Steve didn't think I was so crazy then. I'm reporting this because lately it's been weighing on my mind. 50 yards is close! If someone would contact me, I would like to tell them things about the craft and the amazingly effortless way that it moved. Please take this sighting seriously. I am a business owner in Austin and have a reputation as an honest person.
Date is approximate. PD
Posted 2001-02-18
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