NUFORC UFO Sighting 161392

Occurred: 2020-12-29 20:00 Local
Reported: 2021-01-01 09:55 Pacific
Duration: 3 min
No of observers: 0

Location: Port St. Lucie, FL, USA

Shape: Teardrop

At 20:00 pm on the 29th of Dec 2020.

I heard a swishing sound coming from our side of my home .

I went to investigate looking up and down the block and saw nothing . It was when I turn around to go back in side I saw very clear these 5 possible 6 glowing green lights in the sky. It was a very clear night with a full moon. Luckily I went outside with my new iPhone 12 decided to take a picture you can clearly see all five objects and then two three seconds later I took a second picture. At that point the objects spin away at a very rapid speed east towards the ocean. To the naked eye the objects look like around a uniform disk. Upon examining my photographs I can actually see that they had some type of sweep back wings. Similar to horsefly. At first I thought it they were drowns. But drowns have blinking lights usually red white. They had neither they just glowed a emerald green color I have pictures. You could see their change in position in the photographs to prove that they were moving.

Posted 2021-01-19

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