NUFORC UFO Sighting 161385
Occurred: 2021-01-01 00:12 LocalReported: 2021-01-01 17:14 Pacific
Duration: 5 min
No of observers: 2
Location: Rocklin/ Roseville, CA, USA
Shape: Fireball
Red very bright ball of light. It was cylindrical in shape and flickered.
My husband and I were driving East on Highway 80 from Roseville, off of Eureka. I was watching the fireworks from the new year celebrations in the Northern Sky and noticed a bright red ball of fire that I thought was a unexploded firework. For several miles, I watched it and it wasn't falling as a firework would. I then got out my camera and recorded 23 seconds of video. You see that the ball was hovering and not falling. It was too bright to be a helicopter or drone. You can see in the video that it is red in color and brighter than anything else I see. in the video, I am surprised by a firework that exploded just above us, so you can see where the fireworks where being done from, not even close to where the light was. Looking at the video and my memory, the ball of fire looked to be possibly over Loomis, Newcastle, even Auburn CA. It is hard to tell but there might have been more than one, as the one I recorded seemed to disappear for a while and come bac! k. It hovered low enough, I wouldn't be surprised if it was seen by several people that lived in the area.
Posted 2021-01-19
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