NUFORC UFO Sighting 15938

Occurred: 1996-07-04 19:35 Local
Reported: 2001-01-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 88 minutes
No of observers: 4

Location: Fayetteville, AR, USA

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Emitted beams, Landed, Electrical or magnetic effects

A short but sure encounter with three alien craft and tall, hairy beings, with keen sensory peception.

Well we just finished shooting of fireworks on grandpa's farm east of town, and I decided to walk away from the family with my friends in to the patch of woods away from the pasture to enjoy the warm night for a few minutes. As we headed into the woods we noticed a light about 100 yards in front of us, and we thought someone was being stupid and shooting stuff off in the woods so we moved that way.

As we approached, this is what we saw: Three triangular shaped craft were sitting in a break in the trees. Lights were pointing down off each point of the trianles and were pointing towards the ground. The strange beings that piloted these ships were conferencing outside. They were tall and had very thick hair that covered their body, and seemed to speak tonally.

As we approached they smelled the air and glared in our direction. Although, they never saw us, they sensed and smelled danger, and quickly ran to there ships and exploded into the night. I use the word explosion, but there really wasn't any sound. It was just a instant burst of light and then we were knocked to the ground. But I got a glimpse of the crafts, as they sped from sight, and they seemed to elongate as they accelerated.

We kept the encounter to ourselves and have rarely spoken of it.

Posted 2001-02-18

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