NUFORC UFO Sighting 158948

Occurred: 1990-07-15 03:00 Local
Reported: 2020-08-26 11:26 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Myrtle Beach, SC, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Emitted other objects

15 ships with base ship

Not sure how useful a 30-year-old UFO report is, but here it is, do what you will with it. Location was Myrtle Beach AFB, South Carolina in the summer of 1990. Not sure about month or day. Time was between 3 and 4 AM. I oversaw an aircraft maintenance unit at the time and had reported to work early that morning to open the building before my people showed up to begin the day’s scheduled training flights. I stepped out on the patio and remember noticing how nice the early morning weather was. It was a full moon; a nice breeze was blowing in from the ocean pushing big white clouds along at various altitudes. As I gazed up at the higher clouds, I noticed what appeared to be one of those clouds at a high altitude moving in the opposite direction to the other clouds. It was moving terribly slow almost unnoticeable. I thought to myself that it must have caught higher wind currents that were pushing it out to sea. Satisfied with that explanation I was about to walk! back inside when it did something that changed my mind . It stopped in mid-flight as though someone had hit the brakes. I remember thinking how is this possible. Then I realized what I was looking at. It was not a cloud at all. The object was reflecting on the clouds below it, the perfect camouflage. I continued to watch the object and began to see that it was round as the clouds it was reflecting reached the edge of it. There were no lights coming from it that I could see, and I could only see what I assumed was the bottom of the craft. Shortly after I realized what it was, the most curious thing of this whole event took place. With military-like precision it deployed smaller versions of itself from the whole 360-degree circumference. These smaller objects were the same size, moved at the same speed and their spacing was perfect. Each one appeared to have a control cable attached leading back to the base ship. They continued to move in straight lines away from the base ship . I watched the event take place until a bank of clouds moved! in obsc uring my view. After they cleared, I could no longer see any of the objects. I remember looking at my watch and thinking that it lasted about 15 minutes.

Posted 2020-08-27

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