NUFORC UFO Sighting 157170
Occurred: 2020-06-26 19:00 LocalReported: 2020-06-27 02:51 Pacific
Location: , , Unspecified
Characteristics: Lights on object
Very bright point of light traveling 5,000 with no noise heard.
Yesterday, Thursday, June 26, 2020, at 7 PM, after sundown, I observed a very white bright (similar to an aircraft flair) point of light crossing the sky at approximately 250 knots, 5,000 feet in a 56-degree northeast direction. There was no noise. It followed a straight course with no change in direction – left, right or up or down. I observed this point of light following the mountain ridge line from Garapan NE toward the Marpi area for about 15 seconds for a distance of about 8 miles. The point of light disappeared into the clouds in the Marpi area.
My elevation was 10 feet ASL - 15 13 28 N, 145 44 17 E.
I took two still pictures, one a close up, with my iPhone which I just happened to have in my hand taking sunset pictures. There was a warehouse in the foreground in each picture for scale. No typical aircraft’s tail, wings or fuselage could be seen by eye or by photograph, only a circular point of light.
I am a 20 year retired DoD employee. I am 71 years old.
Posted 2020-07-03
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