NUFORC UFO Sighting 15714

Occurred: 1967-07-31 18:15 Local
Reported: 2001-01-01 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 02:00
No of observers: 1

Location: Churchville, NY, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

That night I witnessed a UFO changed my life forever. There have been unbelievable events ever since in my life.

I have failed to report this event all these years. I am now 53 years old. On this date in 1967 I came home from work that night (going by Churchville Park)when I noticed blue lights. I pulled off the road and looked closer. It was a saucer hovering above the dense trees in the park. My first thought was "oh my God, I need a witness". My home was only a couple of minutes from there. I rushed into the house and got my father to go back to that spot with me. Though the craft was a little farther west than when I first saw it, we both sat in amazement as it hovered above us. It had blue lights around the bottom of it. It didn't seem to make any noise. But it amazed us that it could just sit there and hover. Somehow we felt we must have "followed" the craft because we ended up on a foreign road an hour from our home.

Posted 2001-01-03

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