NUFORC UFO Sighting 156958

Occurred: 2020-06-08 21:00 Local
Reported: 2020-06-08 10:09 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Smyrna, DE, USA

Shape: Teardrop
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

My little brother was gazing in the sky and saw something flying in the atmosphere and told me to look to my surprise when I looked was what the hell is that, it appeared to be 3 object flying synchronize in formation im guessing at a very fast rate and it was like it had camo like it would look like a star but then it would look like the sky and I would fade in in out , so 15 minutes past and right over the house over were about 44 fly objects just like the ones we just saw and they would fly to a curtain point and they would i guess jump light speed or something ,but it was some that I guess might have been lost because we saw a few stragglers but there ship would let off a very bright light i guess and I could jump kind of sort of the sky , it was the most beautiful thing we ever seen .

Posted 2020-06-25

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