NUFORC UFO Sighting 156739

Occurred: 2020-05-27 22:20 Local
Reported: 2020-05-29 02:21 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

unexplainable orange & red orbs maneuvering very low and bright and performing subtle strange maneuvers.

NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NUFOR) UFO REPORT- Bonneville County, Idaho Falls, ID 83404 MAY 27, 2020 Approximately 2100-2130 Last night, May 27,2020, my wife and I observed a total of 4 colored ORBs traveling slowly WNW then changing direction and traveled S to N. As they moved relatively slow, very low, and bright across the night sky, their propulsion appeared to pulsate slightly and then fade out for a 1 second duration then return and continue to travel S to N brightly for 7 seconds then fade out again for 1 second and continue that pattern until finally fading out for good right before the next orange orb came into view at place of origin, of the first orb, then repeated the trajectory and characteristics of the previous orbs. The last orb was identical in every way but was bright red. Their size could be compared to about twice the size of Venus on its brightest nights (a few hours before and after sunset). We observed these objects from S 5th W (old Park Road) looking East toward Taylor Mountain and Wolverine Canyon area, with the orb moving below the mountain’s horizon.

I’ve waited a couple days to send this so I could recall the most accurate and detailed account of what we saw. I want to stress the fact that we have no idea what these objects were nor could we think of any manmade flying, projected, fired ,flown or guided pieces of equipment. I spent 6 years as a Navy Fire Controlman and In essence, we operate the weapons sensors and tracking devices, from first detection through firing the weapons, to defend the ship against tactical threats or to make offensive strikes against hostile targets, so I have very dependable knowledge of and can identify many airborne objects, whether it be civilian, military or hostiles.

Posted 2020-06-25

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