NUFORC UFO Sighting 15634

Occurred: 1984-09-01 02:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-12-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 8 to 10 mins
No of observers: 2

Location: Dublin (Republic of Ireland), , Ireland

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams

it was large ,black or a dark collor,it hoverd over a train station called heuston train station in dublin city where i worked at the time. it was pionted out to us by some other workers while thay were passing us,when i looked at first i could not see anything becouse of the platform lighting but blocking the light with my hands i could see it. it was trianglee in shape while watching it it seamed to send out four bright objects in four diferent directions while it was doing this it was static ,at this time we felt ???it is hard to explane ,it was thingley,hair on the back standing up type of fealing,a short time after that the four lights returned to the dark shape, it was then it started to move off to the south, it was then we got scared,becouse ther was a beam of the moast lovley blueish collor that shot into waht we call the phonex park,it lasted at least ten to fifteen secounds,i have never seen anythihng like this in my life ,it is hard to beleve,but was a controled beam of light,by now we shakeing ,secounds past and it stoped and it sped off very fast,from what i could see of it at one point i could swar it changed shape just before the blue light started,to a type of roundish maybe ? what happend that my self and my mate never told anyone "WHO WOULD " SIGN..…((name deleted)). DUBLIN REPUBLIC OF IRELAND.30/12/2000.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2001-01-03

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