NUFORC UFO Sighting 155860
Occurred: 2020-04-27 21:14 LocalReported: 2020-04-28 01:01 Pacific
Duration: 5 min 2 times
No of observers: 3
Location: Warsaw, MO, USA
Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object
Truman Dam Missouri string of lights.
My brother, my son, and I were fishing next to the Truman Dam on the upper bank below the nature center. We looked up and saw a string of lights come from out of no where traveling towards us from the far end of the lake. It travelled above us and went past us. All were traveling in unison at same speed almost like they were tethered together and each disappeared into space. Then about 10-15 min later, it happened again but at the other side of the dam bridge. I've never seen anything like it in my life. I tried to video tape with my phone both times but it would not show up on my video. No way this could have been military. There was absolutely no sound. Just bright lights in a traveling string.
Posted 2020-06-25
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