NUFORC UFO Sighting 15383
Occurred: 1981-08-01 22:00 Local - ApproximateReported: 2000-12-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 4-5hours
No of observers: 0
Location: Estes Park (Near), CO, USA
Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object
I was abducted as a youth and am remembering peices more and more in dreams.
I am now much older and haven tried to dismiss the dreams. I was at a summer camp (camp ST. Malo) at the time. I was on a campout overnight. This was something they did for the kids who stayed two weeks in order for the new kids to check in and old ones out. It was an optional trip. After dinner and campfire, we went to the tents. I was restless for some reason. We were all in two-man tents. I'm not sure if it was just a dream, but I remember noticing a very bright light outside the tent. I tried with all my might to wake up my sleeping companion. His eyes sprang open ,but they were motionless. I mean they stared straight out, as in death. I then heard the zipper of my tent open. I had thought at first it was one of the campers with us, but it waved at me and I felt motionless. I felt no fear. I remember that it must have been approx. 3.5-4 feet tall and a very almond colored skin. It had two large bug like-eyes and no trace of nose. I could detect an indention were it's mouth should have been. I heard something in my head. Not a voice, but more like an emotion. As if by autopilot, I was motioned outside the tent by hand. I was surrounded by white light. I felt a pinch in my arm. And I faintly remember an emotion I was unfamilar with at the time. As though I was geneticly diferent somehow than everyone else and needed special watch.The rest I remember is being carried and set down where I was sleep (my tent).The next morning I only remembered being set down. I am now 31 going on 32 and have tried to peice this together. I do have a mark on my left arm I cannot explain or remember otherwize. I also now live in Alaska and I have reason to believe I was abducted again in the Wasilla area, although I have no rememberence of it. I have begun to itch in that area of my arm about a year go. The summer of 1999, I was working late hours in Big Lake at the local ((deleted)), and speculate it could have happened then. Most of what I have reported has been deeply buried in dreams and has gradully resurfaced ov! er the y ears. I did report something to the camp authorities the next day, but I don't rember what I reported and I do know that I wasn't the only one who reported anything.
Posted 2000-12-09
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