NUFORC UFO Sighting 151299

Occurred: 2019-12-03 16:20 Local
Reported: 2019-12-05 10:53 Pacific
Duration: 4 min.
No of observers: 1

Location: Trimont, MN, USA

Shape: Chevron

I was coming home from the library and, as I always do, made a glance toward the Coming home from an errand, I always glance up at the sky before going in the building where we live. I noticed a small, white object fairly high in the sky (maybe 60 degrees above the horizon and moving slowly toward the west,southwest. It was moving slowly, and gradually got closer. Although it was very high, I could still see wings, like a bird, but very small and, with no tail or anything ahead of the wings. This part of the country is farming country, and in the warmer months it's common to see hawks circling high in the sky, looking for prey on the ground. But now we have snow cover and its hard to imagine hawks being able to see any little critters running around down here with all of our snow cover. Plus, I have NEVER seen a bird that high! So, go figure.

Posted 2019-12-19

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