NUFORC UFO Sighting 148672

Occurred: 1999-11-05 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-09-04 21:06 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Shape: Teardrop

"Cat paw" UFO encounter on WI44 in St. Louis, Mo.

I was driving West on I44, around 9 pm, towards Eureka, Mo. It was dark. A green light came from behind me. I watched it in my rear view mirror. I was in the left lane. It came down and traveled alongside my car - same speed for approx. 1 mile.

I looked over at it. There were no windows. "Cat paw" shape. Green effervescent color. A little smaller than the car I was driving. It seemed as though it could see me looking at it, I felt it was looking at me. At that point it shot up into the sky, there was a white flash, and it was gone.

The entire incident lasted 3 minutes.

The prior morning , I had been driving East on I44, and I saw what seemed like "erratic flares" over the highway not far from my sighting. Probably 4-5 of them. One of them went over the highway and seemed to have landed in the Soccer field on left side of highway. At the time I didn't pay close attention, but believe they were related.


Witness indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2019-09-06

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