NUFORC UFO Sighting 147460

Occurred: 2019-07-09 21:50 Local
Reported: 2019-07-09 19:36 Pacific
Duration: <2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Rockland, ME, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Aircraft nearby

2 larger objects with 3 rows of lights directly above coming from direction of moon which had strange trail. 2 more smaller behind that

I live in Rockland Maine. I have been seeing lights above my house at night. A lot of the time I think it could be a star. BUT they seem to have 3 lights not one and will move around..up and down. Over and back. Sometimes moving across sky fast and other times seem to disappear. I have only lived in this house in Rockland for less then a year. Since the beginning of the summer this has happened quite a few times. Tonight I saw 2 Bigger ones then I have in the past couple months. They had 3 Rows of n yellow or white.. Directly above me and it seemed to drop down and move til gone....the second larger one with 3 rows of lights followed almost Exact SAME PATH. One right after the other. Then behind that 2 more smaller lights. I did not see where in the sky it started from but there was a strange trail of lights near the moon...heading close to where it looked to be coming from. My boyfriend was outside with me. He has also seen these other lights on occasion and these tonight. We have an 8 year old daughter. Have been together for 15 years. We are both in our mid 30s. I have never noticed anything like these lights before. and as people have harsh opinions and are very skeptical I have not yet reported these. Been doing a little research, as well. I, however, continue to see them....and tonight the 2 were larger then before. Or closer. After the second larger one was no longer over head but had dropped down to be closer to the tree line yet further away I saw flashing lights back towards the moon n another right behind that. Maybe they are planes. I don't think so though. Maybe the second set was... I honestly don't know and am going to continue to watch.

Posted 2019-07-12

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