NUFORC UFO Sighting 147009
Occurred: 1989-09-20 22:00 LocalReported: 2019-06-22 09:31 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Contoocook, NH, USA
Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Emitted beams, Possible abduction
A small yellow whitish light sphere flying and hovering with blue lights forming a ladder seen in Contoocook, NH, late evening in the fall.
Low flying object (light) under overcast sky, first observed at up to several miles out at low altitude near l local hill with a long history of UFO phenomena.
The light moved in a weaving motion towards me and came to a stop above me at about 100 feet and was silent.
Many small lights moved from an area around my body and formed a rapid oscillating pattern around a yellow diffuse sphere of light 3-5 feet in diameter. The smaller lights where just millimeters wide and where blue-white and spherical.
The blue lights formed a ladder like pattern and descended into the grass at my feet. These blue lights showed through the grass and moved in a sine wave like pattern.
The pattern reversed and the lights retreated and the ladder of the lights then was gone.
The lights around the larger single sphere where then gone.
The larger sphere persisted for a small number of seconds and then blinked out.
I was providing an external security patrol at Digital Equipment Corp., at that time.
The date is approximate.
I was experiencing an increase in an ecstatic mood at the time.
I was sober and fully functional and was not experiencing any psychological issues such as stress or delusions or having a psychological condition. I was not abducted but the scenario was a close encounter of the first order. If I had walked into the ladder of small lights at my feet the encounter would have changed substantially was my feeling at the time.
Posted 2019-06-27
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