NUFORC UFO Sighting 146059
Occurred: 1972-06-15 08:30 LocalReported: 2019-05-10 13:48 Pacific
Duration: 10-20 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: Torrington, CT, USA
Shape: Disk
Close-up sighting of a flying saucer.
Close-up sighting of flying saucer. This story was told me by my landlord whom I have known for 15 years. He is a very stable individual that owns a small business. In the course of conversation the subject of UFOs came up and he swore that he saw one close up in June 1972. He said he is sure of the month and year because he had a brand new Plymouth Duster. This sighting occurred in Torrington, Ct. at the intersection of East Main St. and Torringford West St..
He said it was a Sunday morning around 8:30am as he was heading for work at a bowling alley located on East Main. He was 20 years old at the time. He was stopped at a stop light facing west. On the right is a small brick building which has been there for years and remains today, surrounded by several small trees. He looked up and was amazed to see a disk shaped object hovering just above the trees. He said his first thought was, "I am REALLY looking at a flying saucer!" The object was the classic UFO shape, he said it looked like an inverted dinner plate, flat on the bottom, with a raised dome on the top. He estimated it was 20-30 feet in diameter. It was a solid rust or bronze color, no lights, and hovered motionless just above the trees, and made no sound.
It was no more than 100 feet away from his car. He was fascinated by this object. He put his car in neutral and got out to look more closely, but the object suddenly either vanished or shot off so quickly that it seemed to just disappear.
He went to work and told some co-workers who all laughed at him. He said that to this day, every time he drives past this spot, which is nearly every day, he still looks above the little brick building where he saw a real flying saucer. He said it made him a believer. I have emailed a photo of the exact location of this sighting to you.
He couldn't remember exactly, but looking at an old calendar, it was most likely the 11th which was Sunday. He was certain it was Sunday, as he was headed to work at a bowling alley that closed a few years ago, but was in Torrington for many years. The reason I say that is that I showed him an account on your site dated 6/10/72 that occurred in Millerton, N.Y. and Sharon, Ct., which is about 15 miles west of Torrington as the crow flies. Many people reported a UFO on that date according to the account. He was certain it was June 1972, but not certain of the exact date.
My landlord is a very sober individual, and he actually held his hand up and said, "I swear on the Bible I saw a flying saucer". I have spoken to him several times since then, he is a great guy.
As for the photo, the trees surrounding that little brick building were much shorter then, this UFO was no more that 50 feet high. He still looks at that spot every time he passes it.
I hope this was helpful.
((name deleted))
Posted 2019-05-14
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