NUFORC UFO Sighting 144805
Occurred: 2018-05-31 12:12 LocalReported: 2019-02-07 12:04 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 0
Location: Sauerlach (Germany), , Germany
Shape: Other
Ufo photographed over Lanzenhaar (Germany)
On May 31st, 2018, I have photographed accidentally an unknown object over Lanzenhaar a locality which belongs to the village Sauerlach which lies roughly 30 kilometers south from the city Munich in Germany.
On this date, I have tried my newly bought camera and on one of this photos appeared this object.
I have not seen it visually on it this day.
I have noticed it first while looking at the pictures on my laptop.
If you could analyze it or know people who could would be great.
I have taken more pictures of the same spot and it only appeared on this particular picture.
We have requested a copy of the photo, but have not received it, at the time of this writing. PD
Posted 2019-02-07
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