NUFORC UFO Sighting 144311

Occurred: 2019-01-04 02:09 Local
Reported: 2019-01-05 20:05 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Spring Grove/Fox Lake, IL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large Super Bright White Stationary Light, Stationary, Lakemoor, Spring Grove, Il. 2:09 AM - 2:30AM NW Sky.

Rideshare experience; While driving for Uber, noticed a large super bright stationary light in what I would guess was the NW sky. My passenger and I watched it for roughly 20 minutes between Lakemoor, Il and Spring Grove, Il. It never moved. Then somewhere after 20-25 minutes, it disappeared. I went to see if it was still there while driving and it was gone. It certainly was not an airplane in que, loitering for landing permission at Ohare. It was stationary for at least 20 minutes without changing in size or brightness. While I chose "there were lights on the object," I never saw an object, merely the lights on the object.

Posted 2019-01-11

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