NUFORC UFO Sighting 143346
Occurred: 2018-10-03 05:30 LocalReported: 2018-10-03 06:14 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 1
Location: Chandler, AZ, USA
Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby
Stationary object that suddenly took off like a rocket.
I was heading northbound on McQueen Road. As I approached Warner Road, I noticed a bright light in the sky at approximately one o’clock from my position and at 30 degrees. The light seemed like a streetlight at first, then I noticed it was too high up and farther away. Then I thought maybe a star since the sky was clearing up and the stars were out.
The light went from a bright light to a flashing series of lights. OK, must be a plane. I looked around and saw other planes in the sky. One was to my left at eleven o’clock and heading toward the light. I continued driving northbound and saw it out of my peripheral vision.
As I neared W. Guadalupe Road, the light seemed to have shifted position slightly to the east, but was at the same elevation, however the plane to the left had slowly moved past it. As I watched it, it suddenly seemed to pick up speed and took off like a bullet out of a gun, heading straight east and was gone in less than a second.
I continued scanning the skies all the way to US 60 to see if it would come back. It was gone.
Posted 2018-10-06
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