NUFORC UFO Sighting 14104

Occurred: 1995-10-20 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-09-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 25 seconds
No of observers: 3

Location: Medford, OR, USA

Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Emitted other objects

We saw a bright light in the sky that lit up the entire mountain side as bright as daylight as it passed overhead.

My two boys and I were camping up on Anderson Butte, just outside of Medford Oregon. My boys and I were setting up camp. All of us had gone inside to get our beds ready. All of a sudden the inside of the camper started to light up. It was a white almost blinding light. We all jumped out of the camper to see what was going on. While getting out of the camper we could see something in the sky. It was coming out of the northeast. A large bright ball of light was coming towards us high in the sky. It seemed as if small part were falling off as it passed overhead. In addition, as it passed over us, it lit up the whole mountain side just as if it was daylight. After it had passed overhead, going southwest, it disappeared over the mountain top. We did not hear any kind of noise when it passing overhead. It seemed as if it had ( landed / crashed) on the other side of the mountains from us, or at least part of it did. We did try and look for it, but could not find anything. We called down into town on our CB radio and had people say that they had seen it to. They told us the the news had said it was just a meteor and that it had landed off the coast of Calif. We also heard people say it was suppost to be a rocket that had taken off from southern Calif. and crashed in the sea. However , approx. one week later, at about 10pm, we spotted lights on the mountain side. The lights were white and appeared to float around as if they were looking for something. We thought it might be a car/truck at first, but we could see car lights in other parts of the mountains. The car lights shifted around as they drove on the dirt roads. They had two headlights that move togather. These lights were three seperate lights that did not move togather. They moved in random order, in straight lines. They were flying in the same location we saw the meteor / rocket go down. We watched the three lights fly around for approx. 20 to25 min. after that, they flew up above the mountains and straight away from us until they disappeared.

Posted 2000-09-17

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