NUFORC UFO Sighting 139421

Occurred: 2018-04-10 20:30 Local
Reported: 2018-04-11 17:46 Pacific
Duration: 1 minute
No of observers: 1

Location: Plainsboro, NJ, USA

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Very large trianglur craft 3 bright is white lights with a red dot in the center, was silent, stopped and change direction seemlessly!

I saw a strange formation of lights on 04/18/18 (3 defined white lights in a triangle with a red dot in the center) while walking my dog in a South Brunswick, New Jersey park. From my perspective, the lights I saw where approx. 2 inches apart, while all other aircraft in that were in the sky were about 2 centimeters apart; so I assumed that the aircraft was either close or really big.

The triangle lights were moving at about or maybe a little faster than the other aircraft in the sky (and any aircraft nearby were headed towards the Newark Int Airport. The triangle of lights was flying towards Newark but a less frequented direction north-south and there was no sound coming from the aircraft.

After flying at the same speed of the aircraft it suddenly stopped at a quick speed hovered for a second and took off in the opposite north east (after heading north-south) direction from Newark. I thought this was a strange so because the whole time I could not see the aircraft itself, and when the triangle of lights changed their direction the lights remained at the same place and did not seem to change angles or anything, which is why know I saw a triangular craft that was VERY LARGE. It looked like they stopped only for a second and kicked in in reverse essentially and took off at the in a north east direction and the same speed. Also, my dog did not seem to act strange.


We assume that the sighting occurred at 20:30 hrs., in the evening, and not at 08:30 hrs., in the morning. We have attempted to contact the witness to confirm that fact, but we have been unable to reach him. We have amended the time above. PD

Posted 2018-04-13

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