NUFORC UFO Sighting 139064
Occurred: 2018-03-05 21:50 LocalReported: 2018-03-05 19:07 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes so far
No of observers: 4
Location: Fairfield view, CT, USA
Shape: Circle
We are looking southwesterly, I believe, far into the sky. We are trying to determine if this is a star or a craft. It seems to have different colors, purple, red, blue, all bright colors. It seems to be twinkling. it seems to be moving about a little with different colors popping up all brightly illuminated.
I'm not sure it isn't a man made craft, though it seems hard to believe that it is a star.
We suspect that the witnesses were looking at the very bright, and chromatic, star, Sirius. We have assigned an arbitrary date for the event. PD
Posted 2018-03-08
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