NUFORC UFO Sighting 13883

Occurred: 1998-12-15 00:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2000-08-23 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Baltimore, MD, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Lights on object

..An armada in formation flying over the Baltimore beltway

I know this report is going to sound unbelievable...But may God strike me dead if I'm lieing...I don't know why I waited so long to report this but I did...Here it goes...It was a cold winter night ..I was in my back yard about 12:30 am..Drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette. I looked up in the sky and saw these lights..Then another and another and another and another and another and so on...They joined one another and formed a big object all together...It then started to turn in all sorts of ways....All of a sudden each light shot away and disappeared in the upper sky...Then These flying saucers came flying low about 200 or 300 feet...They were in formation like geese are.. .There were so many that I could never guess how many ...But I'll say a hundred or more..Maybe several hundred...I know this sounds crazy but that is what I saw...My jaw was touching the ground..I went inside and went to bed....Can you believe it...Why I don't know...Never ran for a camera or even thought about it....I forgot about it completely...Then about a month or so later I woke up in the middle of the night.. ..It was not a normal strechy yawny kind of wake up but a sit up in bed ( like doing a sit up) a remembering...A realization.. .An oh my God kind of thing...It has stuck with me all this time...I'll never forget it...again...This was an armada of saucers...An armada in formation...f Flying over the Baltimore 12:30 am in December of 98....


The precise date of the event in December 1998 is unknown to the witness. PD

Posted 2000-08-25

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