NUFORC UFO Sighting 13677
Occurred: 2000-08-04 20:00 LocalReported: 2000-08-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 17 minutes
No of observers: 4
Location: Chandler, AZ, USA
Shape: Oval
2 red UFOs over Gilbert
Observed the red UFO over Gilbert for 4th time. I was broadcasting live from my backyard lastnight when "Bubba" appeared at 8:00 pm. We saw that there were two red UFOs in the sky, moving together, slowly, about 1 mile apart. Each UFO actually had 2 or more lights inside, making it look like one object from a distance. Several commercial jets are seen crusing under the objects as they come in for a landing. The event was so incredible I took off the high powered lense to shoot wide angle shots of the UFOs and the airtraffic. We called a list of people with cameras in the Gilbert area so others got video also. The objects appeared to be moving south and raising in altitude. They disappeared around 8:17 and were 15,000 ft or higher. Tom King
We leave the name of the witness in, since he is an active UFO investigator in the Phoenix area. His e-mail address us
Posted 2000-08-05
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