NUFORC UFO Sighting 136312

Occurred: 1952-09-30 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2017-09-23 00:36 Pacific
Duration: minets ?
No of observers: 2

Location: Washington, D.C., MD, USA

Shape: Oval
Characteristics: Landed

Said a whiteish lite around it

Fall of 52 best I can say, my mom & aunt came home. Figure about midnite or so. They both seemed excited & maybe scared. They'd been out parting with a friend of theres. He was military, really don't think he was into anything with a high clearance. He dropped them off, they came in and said they saw a flying saucer.

They said it was landing in front of them on a city street in east section of d.c..

Mom said they watched it land, set for a moment, then took off. Don't think they were abducted or anything like that, I was about 7 the. Both my mom & aunt have passed away. That's all I can remember.


Witness indicates that the date above is approximate. PD

Posted 2017-09-28

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