NUFORC UFO Sighting 136053
Occurred: 2011-07-04 21:30 LocalReported: 2017-09-06 12:36 Pacific
Duration: 60 seconds
No of observers: 2
Location: Signal Mountain, TN, USA
Shape: Sphere
So around 9:30 PM on July 4 2011... my pregnant girlfriend and I saw a UFO while watching fireworks in the valley.
For some reason I had looked behind me, and less than 100' and about 60' high was a "Black mechanical jellyfish looking thing about the size of a VW Bug. It was flat black, but appeared to have a very structured fluid like movement to it.
When we made initial eye contact with this craft, it made a shuddering movement, almost like it was surprised we had seen it. The craft continued its internal movements while it made its way over our heads and around again 100' away from us. It was at this point the girl that was with me and I finally looked at each other, we were too stunned to do so at first.
I then said, " Do you see that?" Girl said, "Yes, not what I was expecting." I said, "Nope." These are the exact words said.
The "mechanical jellyfish" then kind of "super glided" away at high speed... but not towards the sky, just farther away and down into the valley. The craft did not make a sound.
I did not believe in UFO s until this event. My girlfriend and I did not speak about this event at any point other than asking if we had actually seen this the next night, and once again around 2 years later after separated. We do not know what to think...
The only thing we know is on that night... we saw something that affected me more than any other event in my life. No name's for a reason. If you ever have the fortune to see one don't worry about other people, you 've seen what you've seen
Posted 2017-09-08
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