NUFORC UFO Sighting 135273
Occurred: 2017-07-20 20:52 LocalReported: 2017-07-20 18:33 Pacific
Duration: 16 seconds
No of observers: 1
Location: New Oxford, PA, USA
Shape: Fireball
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object
Large, bright orange fireball after sunset in sky
My location: Route 94 heading north, Hamilton Twp,, Adams County, Pennsylvania 39.889562, 77.041664
While driving, I saw a bright orange sphere that looked like a setting sun but he sun set at 8:32pm.
It was at 350 degrees azimuth and 30 degrees elevation.
At arm's length, it was ¾” in diameter. While driving, I saw it for 10 seconds, before losing it behind a hill, then again for 3 seconds before losing it again. After cresting the next hill, it was gone. I could not tell if it was moving.
The skies were mostly cloudy, so it may have gone behind a cloud, or been stationary and a cloud moved in front of it.
I was not drinking or on medication, and am of sound mind.
Posted 2017-07-23
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