NUFORC UFO Sighting 134919
Occurred: 2017-07-04 22:10 LocalReported: 2017-07-04 20:58 Pacific
Duration: 10-15 minutes
No of observers: 2
Location: Prospect, PA, USA
Shape: Light
Three bright red lights with no sound moving in a south southwest direction, each following the other by 2-3 minutes.
Three bright reddish lights, each separated by 2-3 minutes, appeared from north northeast heading south southwest toward the position of the moon. There was no detectable sound from them. The July 4th fireworks were going on at the Butler County Fair Grounds at the time and I assumed the first one was a firework going up but hadn't exploded yet. It never did explode and continued across the sky until out of view behind a tree line. My wife said she saw a fourth one appear from the same origin but headed due west. I caught only a quick glimpse of that one through some trees.
They appeared larger than the ISS looks as it flies over, but not quite as bright. They were a bit slower than a Cessna at maybe 10000 feet (i.e. pretty slow), though the actual height and size were impossible to determine.
I checked a satellite tracker on-line but could not find any satellites at all over my area at that time, much less three of them moving in such an odd direction for a satellite.
Posted 2017-07-07
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